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Backdrop Testers Program
Hello and welcome to our backdrops testers program!
Why are we looking for testers & how is this program beneficial to you ?
Well, let me ask - what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think you've found a perfect backdrop for your next shoot and it’s been
there sitting in your basket for a few days while you wonder:
How does it photograph? What props to use? What type of shoots have other photographers used it for?
you may be just looking for some idea or inspiration?
So you come to us and ask if we have an example in use, right?
We want to be able to show you these examples of our gorgeous
newest backdrops in use
to make it quick and easy for you to pick the right one.
It’s as simple as that.
So how does it all work?
Each week you can select 1, 2 or even 3 backdrops
from the backdrop designs published on this page.
Designs will change after 7 days , so every new week we will have
new TESTER backdrops to choose from!
You won't be able to choose one from the week before if you miss it!
Sizes will be
5ftx6ft / 5ftx7ft or 6ftx7ft/6ftx8ft for backdrops (depending of the design itself)
Floordrops will be either 8ftx5ft wide or 8ftx6ft wide, 10ftx5ft or 10ftx7ft wide - depending on crop as some have a wider ratio.
All priced are much much lower compared to our full priced backdrops, so you are getting an
amazing deal by choosing
to purchase these through the Testers Program.
the price you see is the price you pay and it includes the cost of your shipping!
Just choose "Tester backdrop shipping option" at checkout,
it will be FREE.
/Don't use this option for any full priced backdrops, only tester ones please!/
You cannot put any other backdrops in your basket along with tester ones.
You cannot use /apply any other discount codes or
add ANY promotional backdrops or bundle backdrop items within the same order as
tester backdrops.
What is the £15 fee for?
We are adding a £15 fully refundable fee to every tester backdrop ,
simply because we want to ensure the pictures in use will be sent to us in exchange for
the great value backdrop we offer you to test!
You will have 14 days to send the images in use from the day your received your
tester backdrop!
We also want to ensure the images we receive from you will be of excellent quality
So if you send images within 14 days and they meet our criteria,
we will refund the £15 fee back to your Paypal on the same day we receive the images.
We reserve the right to not refund if you choose to ignore the
deadline of 14 days and images are not what we asked for.
Please read below carefully what we are looking for and equally what kind of pictures we
so there is no confusion and you don’t have to either re-take these again
or lose the refundable fee if you can't provide the images we can use in any way.
We believe this program will be beneficial for both us and you the testers,
as this will be a great way you getting an affordable backdrop ,
get shooting & creating many wonderful images!
What we’re asking in return for more affordable backdrops:
once you received you backdrops, create a nice set to test these
use your creativity and send us your best images
we request at least 2 professional quality images of each tester backdrop design you purchase
you can send more than 2 or combine images from different shoot if you wish
or if you created a different set-up for different customer that's fine, they don't have to be from the same shoot
Send these to us within 14 days from the day you received the backdrops please
and you will get the £15 refundable fee back as well.
What to send & what examples in use not to send:
Don’t send any images tightly cropped around the subject or close ups of faces where backdrop is not visible or you can’t identify what backdrop was used
Images must show the whole backdrop design ideally or at least 80%, lit in a best possible way, no harsh shadows
Don’t position your subject too close to the backdrop, make sure the subject is sitting or standing at least 4 feet away from it, to avoid shadows
Images should be imaginative and creative, showing us you have made an effort with the set-up
We know there are many photographers & their skills vary, but please don’t edit the images so the backdrop is unrecognisable from the original, try to keep it nice and natural and evenly lit.
Don't use any heavy presets or filters that will alter it to make it unrecognisable please.
Make sure images are watermarked with your logo and you have a signed permission to share from your subject.
Images should be at least 3-4 MB in size, WATERMARKED, provide at least 2 of each backdrop you purchased.
Don’t send us phone images or just screenshots of your work from you phone or small photos uploaded to your social media /screenshots of your social media images
Please send *PROFESSIONAL* quality images
Please only send properly & evenly lit images, ideally you will have studio lights and softbox etc.
Don't use mobile phone or direct harsh on-camera flash as lighting
Images must have proper white balance, no colour casts (blue - yellow - orange hues)
Sharp images, in focus, ideally showing all or at least 80% of the backdrop area, so it's clear what backdrop it is
Send your images to : Tinyatelier@yahoo.com
By sending the images of our backdrops in use , you are confirming you have your client's consent & are giving us your permission
to use & publish these images across our social media , website/FB page/ Instagram page as and when needed to promote/showcase
our backdrops to potential future customers.
Always WATERMARK all your work ,
for protection and so we know and can easily identify who sent us the said work.
If you don’t comply with the rules & guidelines of our tester program, you will not be allowed you make any further purchases via tester program.
You can still purchase our regular full priced backdrops on the main page - if you are not intending on sending images in use,
as this program is for those who love being creative and want to actively participate in sending great images -
which is the very purpose of this program!
Thank you for your understanding and we hope you enjoy this & we are looking forward to seeing your gorgeous work using our backdrops.
We reserve the right to refuse any “tester backdrop order” if we feel the customer has previously not complied with our terms and conditions – e.g has not sent any images after purchase at all/has not sent images within 14 days / can’t send any images we can actually use - as they are not showcasing the backdrop at all and they are therefore of no use to us.
Please read above of what we are NOT looking for or NOT needing in terms of images. You may be kindly asked to re-shoot or you will lose the £15.00 if you don’t want to re-shoot or can’t supply any usable images as well as being banned from participating from the tester program.
Also please note we don’t offer any incentives for customers that purchased any of our older backdrop prior to launching this program.
We are launching our tester’s program on 31/July/ 2023 to showcase newest designs.